The library is housed in a spacious building and occupies an area of 8000 sq.ft.
Its main functional areas are:
- Circulation Counter
- Processing Cabin
- Reference Section
- Periodical Section
- Photocopy Section
The present collection is of around 16307 books and bound volumes, which have have been classified according to the Dewey Decimal classification.
Institutional Memberships:
- Indian Institute of Management Library Bangalore (IIMB)
- The British Library Bangalore (BLB)
- Developing Library Network Delhi (DELNET)
- Bangalore Management Association (BMA)
- Bangalore University (BU)
Library Services:
User Orientation Programme: Freshers are formally introduced to the library resources and services at the beginning of every academic year. The students are taken to all the sections of the library and are introduced to the diverse resources and services, so as to make them familiar with the library.
Opening Hours:
The library remains open from 7.30 am to 7.30 pm on all working days.
Open Access:
The library offers the open shelf system which encourages the users to acquaint themselves with the diversity of information.
Loan Period:
The users can borrow four books against each ticket for a period of 8 days. The books kept in reference section and the periodicals will not be issued. However under certain conditions the reference textbooks are issued for overnight reference.
Inter-Library Loan:
Books not available in the library but required by faculty members and students are procured from IIMB, British Council and DELNET libraries on inter-library loan.
Digital Library:
The Library has already initiated and collected e-resources in physical form viz., CD’s ROM’s, Audio Cassettes and Floppy Disks It also provides facility to access e-journals, e-databases, abstracts & indexes under Developing Library Network (DELNET) Programme.